添加时间:China-U.S. relations have deteriorated faster than almost anyone could have expected. The question looms: Are the two countries leaping with their eyes closed into a so-called Thucydides Trap, with war possible between the rising and the established power? The U.S. is driving this process and should reflect carefully whether it’s in Americans’ best interests to continue down this path. China also needs to consider how to address the challenges wisely and whether the slide in the wrong direction can be halted.
财报方面,公司或涉嫌财务造假:一、经营性现金流持续6年为负,净流出58亿元,公司高度依赖融资,2017年在收入规模和投资规模下降的情况下,公司负债期末余额 67.21亿元,同比增加 10.1 亿元;二、公司大幅发展零售,但销售人员数量和销售费用却不升反降;
At this moment, it is important for the Chinese people to understand what is confronting us in our relationship with the U.S. and why. Although events of late have increased apprehensiveness, we have not given up the hope of returning to a place of progress and stability, and we are willing to work toward this goal. Just because the Thucydides Trap is set, doesn‘t mean we have to walk into it.